Category Archives: Updates
Parking During COVID-19
First and foremost, please stay safe and healthy by staying home.
However, if you would like to support your favorite local businesses that are offering delivery and takeout, we are adjusting parking policies for the current situation.
Temporary Pick-up Zones

LADOT is now offering temporary signs for on-street parking spaces to become “Food Pick-up Zones” and “Retail Pick-Up Zones”. These designated spaces will function as 10-minute free parking to help businesses and customers expedite takeout and delivery orders.
Businesses can request 1-2 street parking spaces by using this form.
Requests are subject to approval by LADOT.
Eligible requests are granted on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Payment is not required at parking meters with these signs.
You can also see where these Temporary Pick-Up Signs are located using this map

As we work to get these changes in place, please practice social distancing and wear protective equipment if you are going outside.
Parking Enforcement
Please remember that parking meters and posted time limits are still subject to enforcement to help businesses and customers minimize wait times.
These changes are in effect throughout October 15th and are subject to extension.

COVID-19 Updates

The health and safety of all who reside in Los Angeles is our top priority.
Please take precautions and stay informed.

Take Precautions:
- Social Distancing: keep six feet between yourself and others, avoid shaking hands, avoid crowded areas, avoid unnecessary travel/gatherings/events.
- Stay home if you feel sick
- Practice healthy hygiene
- Plan Ahead by practicing personal preparedness with extra food, water, and medical supplies
- Be mindful of your interaction with frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs and parking meters