Save Time
- Finding parking near your destination is faster and more convenient using the parking guidance system
- Features include:
- Smartphone apps
- Changeable message signs
- Features include:
- Cruising for a parking spot is reduced
- Reduced cruising = reduced traffic congestion
- Reduced traffic congestion =
- Reduced emissions +
- Improved travel times for other modes particularly transit
- Demand-based pricing increases parking availability:
- Adds one or two spaces per block
- Reduces driver frustration
- Better utilization of underused garage parking
Park Smarter
- Real-time parking information available:
- LA Express Park website
- Smartphone apps
- Go511
- Changeable message signs
- Paying for parking is easier with options:
- Coins
- Credit & debit cards
- Mobile apps and NFC on Smartphones
- Can add time to your meter using Smartphone apps
LA Express Park will result in more effective use of the on street parking supply and improved economic activity from more open spaces